第 12 章 語言擴展

12 屬性

(在 OCaml 4.02 中引入,4.03 中為表達式以外的建構新增了中綴表示法)

屬性是語法樹的「裝飾」,主要被類型檢查器忽略,但可以被外部工具使用。屬性由識別符和有效負載組成,有效負載可以是結構、類型表達式(以:為前綴)、簽名(以:為前綴)或模式(以?為前綴),可選地後面跟著 when 子句

attr-id::= lowercase-ident
attr-payload::=[ module-items ]
   : [ specification ]
   ?pattern [whenexpr]


attribute::= [@attr-idattr-payload]
expr::= ...
typexpr::= ...
pattern::= ...
module-expr::= ...
module-type::= ...
class-expr::= ...
class-type::= ...



field-decl::=[mutable] field-name:poly-typexpr { attribute }
constr-decl::=(constr-name ∣ ()) [ ofconstr-args ] { attribute }



item-attribute::= [@@attr-idattr-payload]
typedef::= ...
exception-definition::= exceptionconstr-decl
module-items::=[;;] ( definition ∣ expr { item-attribute } ) { [;;] definition ∣ ;;expr { item-attribute } } [;;]
class-binding::= ...
class-spec::= ...
classtype-def::= ...
definition::= let [rec] let-binding { andlet-binding }
 externalvalue-name:typexpr=external-declaration { item-attribute }
 exception-definition { item-attribute }
 modulemodule-name { (module-name:module-type) } [ :module-type ]  =module-expr { item-attribute }
 moduletypemodtype-name=module-type { item-attribute }
 openmodule-path { item-attribute }
 includemodule-expr { item-attribute }
 modulerecmodule-name:module-type=module-expr { item-attribute }  { andmodule-name:module-type=module-expr  { item-attribute } }
specification::= valvalue-name:typexpr { item-attribute }
 externalvalue-name:typexpr=external-declaration { item-attribute }
 exceptionconstr-decl { item-attribute }
 modulemodule-name:module-type { item-attribute }
 modulemodule-name { (module-name:module-type) } :module-type { item-attribute }
 moduletypemodtype-name { item-attribute }
 moduletypemodtype-name=module-type { item-attribute }
 openmodule-path { item-attribute }
 includemodule-type { item-attribute }
class-field-spec::= ...
class-field::= ...


floating-attribute::= [@@@attr-idattr-payload]
definition::= ...
specification::= ...
class-field-spec::= ...
class-field::= ...

(注意:與上面文法描述的相反,item-attributes 不能附加到 class-field-specclass-field 中的這些浮動屬性。)


let[@foo] x = 2 in x + 1          === (let x = 2 [@@foo] in x + 1)
begin[@foo][@bar x] ... end       === (begin ... end)[@foo][@bar x]
module[@foo] M = ...              === module M = ... [@@foo]
type[@foo] t = T                  === type t = T [@@foo]
method[@foo] m = ...              === method m = ... [@@foo]

對於 let,屬性會應用於每個綁定

let[@foo] x = 2 and y = 3 in x + y === (let x = 2 [@@foo] and y = 3 in x + y)
let[@foo] x = 2
and[@bar] y = 3 in x + y           === (let x = 2 [@@foo] and y = 3 [@@bar] in x + y)

12.1 內建屬性


module X = struct [@@@warning "+9"] (* 在此結構中本地啟用警告 9 *)end [@@deprecated "請改用模組 'Y'。"] let x = begin[@warning "+9"] […] end type t = A | B [@@deprecated "請改用類型 's'。"]
let fires_warning_22 x = assert (x >= 0) [@ppwarning "TODO:稍後移除此項目"]
Warning 22 [預處理器]:TODO:稍後移除此項目
let rec is_a_tail_call = function | [] -> () | _ :: q -> (is_a_tail_call[@tailcall]) q let rec not_a_tail_call = function | [] -> [] | x :: q -> x :: (not_a_tail_call[@tailcall]) q
Warning 51 [錯誤的尾呼叫預期]:預期尾呼叫
let f x = x [@@inline] let () = (f[@inlined]) ()
type fragile = | Int of int [@warn_on_literal_pattern] | String of string [@warn_on_literal_pattern]
let fragile_match_1 = function | Int 0 -> () | _ -> ()
Warning 52 [脆弱的常值模式]:程式碼不應依賴此建構子參數的實際值。它們僅供參考,並且可能會在未來的版本中變更。(請參閱手冊第 13.5.3 節)val fragile_match_1 : fragile -> unit = <fun>
let fragile_match_2 = function | String "constant" -> () | _ -> ()
Warning 52 [脆弱的常值模式]:程式碼不應依賴此建構子參數的實際值。它們僅供參考,並且可能會在未來的版本中變更。(請參閱手冊第 13.5.3 節)val fragile_match_2 : fragile -> unit = <fun>
module Immediate: sig type t [@@immediate] val x: t ref end = struct type t = A | B let x = ref A end
module Int_or_int64 : sig type t [@@immediate64] val zero : t val one : t val add : t -> t -> t end = struct include Sys.Immediate64.Make(Int)(Int64) module type S = sig val zero : t val one : t val add : t -> t -> t end let impl : (module S) = match repr with | Immediate -> (module Int : S) | Non_immediate -> (module Int64 : S) include (val impl : S) end