在 OCaml 4.06 之前,存在一些限制:只能在最外層(而非子模組內)移除型別和模組,且在 with type 的情況下,定義必須是另一個具有相同型別參數的型別建構子。
moduletype Printable = sigtype t val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit endmoduletype Comparable = sigtype t val compare : t -> t -> int endmoduletype PrintableComparable = siginclude Printable include Comparable withtype t := t end
moduletype S = Comparable withtype t := int
moduletype S = sigval compare : int -> int -> int end
moduletype S = sigtype u include Comparable withtype t := u end
moduletype S = sigtype u val compare : u -> u -> int end
moduletype ComparableInt = Comparable withtype t = int ;;
moduletype ComparableInt = sigtype t = int val compare : t -> t -> int end
moduletype CompareInt = ComparableInt withtype t := int
moduletype CompareInt = sigval compare : int -> int -> int end
moduletype S = sigtype t module Sub : sigtype outer := t type t val to_outer : t -> outer endend
moduletype S = sigtype t module Sub : sigtype t val to_outer : t -> t/2 endend
#moduletype S = sigtype 'a poly_list := [ `Cons of 'a * 'a poly_list | `Nil ] end ;;
Error: Unbound type constructor poly_list
#moduletype F = sigtype set := Set.Make(Int).t moduletype Type = sigtype t endmodule Nest : Type -> sigmoduletype T = Type endmoduletype T := Nest(Int).T val set: set val m : (module T) end;;
moduletype F = sigmoduletype Type = sigtype t endmodule Nest : Type -> sigmoduletype T = Type endval set : Set.Make(Int).t val m : (module Nest(Int).T) end
#moduletype ENDO = sigmoduletype T module F: T -> T endmodule Endo(X: sigmoduletype T end): ENDO withmoduletype T = X.T = structmoduletype T = X.T module F(X:T) = X end;;
moduletype ENDO = sigmoduletype T module F : T -> T endmodule Endo : functor (X : sigmoduletype T end) -> sigmoduletype T = X.T module F : T -> T end
moduletype A = sigtype x moduletype R = sigtype a = A of x type b endendmoduletype S = sigtype a = A of int type b endmoduletype B = A withtype x = int andmoduletype R = S
#moduletype ENDO' = ENDO withmoduletype T := ENDO;;